Re: But Black Guys Will Always Jump Higher


Did you hear the bit on NPR this morning about the Cornell tipping study? Apparently black and latino diners leave smaller tips, even when they're as happy with the service as their white counterparts.

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Who knew tipping was genetic?

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Seriously, everyone I've known who's waited tables has told me the same thing.

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Apparently all waiters have noticed this, to judge from the interviews. No wonder black people can't get seated at Denny's.

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Are you allowed to say that?

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Yes, but it was awfully hard to type, 'cause I was wearing my hood.

Actually, the sad thing about the story is that, obviously, there's no correct tipping norm; it just matters that everyone agrees. When distinct communities go different ways on the coordination problem, resentment ensues, and so on. Hurray for race relations.

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For the same reason, I (stupid tourist) have found myself very well-liked in certain 10%-tipping-norm countries...

- Magik "Tipper" Johnson

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