You know, it's not as if we're in a deficit of opinions. The American people are a very opinoinated group of people. In MY opinion, there are too many opinioins. In fact, I often get opinion-fatigue because there are so many opinions. Most of them are bad. Particularly bad opinions give me Post-Traumatic Opinion Disorder (P-TOP). From where then does our fascination come from of asking celebrities their opinions, which are probably going to be bad? Who gave them the right to have opinions? How is that people continue to care; how is that they are not fatigued of opinions? Why not a pop outlet interviewing philosophers for their opinions? How could that fail to be less entertaining?
You know, it's not as if we're in a deficit of opinions. The American people are a very opinoinated group of people. In MY opinion, there are too many opinioins. In fact, I often get opinion-fatigue because there are so many opinions. Most of them are bad. Particularly bad opinions give me Post-Traumatic Opinion Disorder (P-TOP). From where then does our fascination come from of asking celebrities their opinions, which are probably going to be bad? Who gave them the right to have opinions? How is that people continue to care; how is that they are not fatigued of opinions? Why not a pop outlet interviewing philosophers for their opinions? How could that fail to be less entertaining?
Posted by Michael | Link to this comment | 09- 5-03 12:20 AM
Pop philo show, being done. Becoming a regular show in January, I believe.
Posted by ogged | Link to this comment | 09- 5-03 9:52 AM
And it's pretty good!
Posted by BAA | Link to this comment | 09- 5-03 10:56 AM