"Did either Ashcroft or the Pentagon have advance information about a 9/11-style attack and, if so, why wasn't this shared with the American public?"
If "the Pentagon" had "advance information" about the attack, one has to conclude that either Donald Rumsfeld was suicidal to have chosen to be in the building that morning, or that the Cabal at the Pentagon didn't tell him he needed stay home, along with all the Jews who were notified not to show up for work at the WTC that morning.
"Why did the NORAD air defense network fail to intercept the four hijacked jets?
During the depths of the Cold War, Americans went to bed with the somewhat reassuring belief that jet fighters would intercept anyone launching a first strike against the United States. That myth was shattered on 9/11, when four hijacked-jetliners-turned-into-deadly-missiles cruised the American skies with impunity for nearly two hours."
This is just stupidly ignorant, as I've discussed on several occasions. NORAD never had ongoing protocols, at any time during the Cold War, let alone after, for intercepting domestically hijacked airplanes. This is not a Hidden Fact. Anyone with the faintest knowledge of what NORAD did knows this. That simply wasn't their mission, any more than was, say, collecting trash, rescuing sailors at sea, or planting flowers, among other worthy tasks. NORAD existed to man the radar line in Canada and along the Soviet Union, and intercept bombers coming in over the polar routes. Polar routes. Over Canada and international airspace and, if all failed, over the US via those routes. Not against flights originating inside the US. The rest of question six is about as relevant as demanding to know why flying saucers weren't called in to intercept the airliners, immediately. The answer is, consistently, that there was never any procedure set up to call for NORAD, or any other element of the Air Force to undertake the demanded task. Why was nothing done? Because no one had ever given NORAD any such mandate or enacted any procedures to follow such a non-existent mandate.
This is magical thinking. They should have protected us! You know: with magic! What do you mean they didn't have magic!?! Why didn't they!?!?!? Who is responsible?!
"FBI Director Robert Mueller has said Flight 77's data recorder provided altitude, speed, headings and other information, but the voice recorder contained nothing useful. Why not? Why not release the information to the public? Why has a docile mainstream media not demanded this information?"
Why, do you think, the writer hasn't made the same demands regarding official release of the transcripts of the last minutes of both shuttles, so we can all officially read the screams and moans of the about-to-die? After all, the public has a Right To Know, right? Possibly the same answer might apply in all these cases? (Note: said transcripts unofficially can be found on the web; they don't make for pleasant reading, and I'd be gratified to know that the relatives of the dead live in ignorance of this fact, though I doubt it.)
#16 is pretty much entirely valid, though also not much of a question.
"Did either Ashcroft or the Pentagon have advance information about a 9/11-style attack and, if so, why wasn't this shared with the American public?"
If "the Pentagon" had "advance information" about the attack, one has to conclude that either Donald Rumsfeld was suicidal to have chosen to be in the building that morning, or that the Cabal at the Pentagon didn't tell him he needed stay home, along with all the Jews who were notified not to show up for work at the WTC that morning.
"Why did the NORAD air defense network fail to intercept the four hijacked jets?
During the depths of the Cold War, Americans went to bed with the somewhat reassuring belief that jet fighters would intercept anyone launching a first strike against the United States. That myth was shattered on 9/11, when four hijacked-jetliners-turned-into-deadly-missiles cruised the American skies with impunity for nearly two hours."
This is just stupidly ignorant, as I've discussed on several occasions. NORAD never had ongoing protocols, at any time during the Cold War, let alone after, for intercepting domestically hijacked airplanes. This is not a Hidden Fact. Anyone with the faintest knowledge of what NORAD did knows this. That simply wasn't their mission, any more than was, say, collecting trash, rescuing sailors at sea, or planting flowers, among other worthy tasks. NORAD existed to man the radar line in Canada and along the Soviet Union, and intercept bombers coming in over the polar routes. Polar routes. Over Canada and international airspace and, if all failed, over the US via those routes. Not against flights originating inside the US. The rest of question six is about as relevant as demanding to know why flying saucers weren't called in to intercept the airliners, immediately. The answer is, consistently, that there was never any procedure set up to call for NORAD, or any other element of the Air Force to undertake the demanded task. Why was nothing done? Because no one had ever given NORAD any such mandate or enacted any procedures to follow such a non-existent mandate.
This is magical thinking. They should have protected us! You know: with magic! What do you mean they didn't have magic!?! Why didn't they!?!?!? Who is responsible?!
"FBI Director Robert Mueller has said Flight 77's data recorder provided altitude, speed, headings and other information, but the voice recorder contained nothing useful. Why not? Why not release the information to the public? Why has a docile mainstream media not demanded this information?"
Why, do you think, the writer hasn't made the same demands regarding official release of the transcripts of the last minutes of both shuttles, so we can all officially read the screams and moans of the about-to-die? After all, the public has a Right To Know, right? Possibly the same answer might apply in all these cases? (Note: said transcripts unofficially can be found on the web; they don't make for pleasant reading, and I'd be gratified to know that the relatives of the dead live in ignorance of this fact, though I doubt it.)
#16 is pretty much entirely valid, though also not much of a question.
Posted by Gary Farber | Link to this comment | 09-12-03 4:49 PM