I'm going to be an incredible cultural chauvinist here, but this practice is endemic around the world, and the stupidity of it always amazes me. Shoot an arrow, er, bullet, in the air, and it comes down somewhere.
Often in a child's bedroom, or through your shoulder, or some equally inconvenient location.
How fucking stupid.
Can't folks, like, invest in a nice little fire-cracker factory, and make use of it, instead?
It would save all those, oops, Mom caught a bullet in her skull moments so beloved by everyone, I'm sure.
End cultural chauvinism about how said factories doen't exist, and people don't want to wait, and this is a ridiculously privileged notion, etc., now.
I'm going to be an incredible cultural chauvinist here, but this practice is endemic around the world, and the stupidity of it always amazes me. Shoot an arrow, er, bullet, in the air, and it comes down somewhere.
Often in a child's bedroom, or through your shoulder, or some equally inconvenient location.
How fucking stupid.
Can't folks, like, invest in a nice little fire-cracker factory, and make use of it, instead?
It would save all those, oops, Mom caught a bullet in her skull moments so beloved by everyone, I'm sure.
End cultural chauvinism about how said factories doen't exist, and people don't want to wait, and this is a ridiculously privileged notion, etc., now.
Posted by Gary Farber | Link to this comment | 10-15-03 9:16 AM