Re: iTunes


Not so fast, my friend. Top 40 fans will miss Radiohead, among others.

A lot of digital music stores have far more licenses than they have digitzed music files, and they're just taking time to get them all digitized. Since this currently involves ripping, in many cases, from CD there's a limit on how far they'll go into the catalog. Ultimately this will work itself out -- either the music services will get big enough to justify the broader catalog, or there will be some centralized digital music libraries, or the indie labels will {bleeping} wake up and get in the vanguard of feeding digitized music direct to the online stores.

And iTunes really is great. My pro-Microsoft credentials are well established on this board, but iTunes is just better than the Windows alternatives. One example: the simple search mechanism where you start typing in the name of the artist and it starts sorting your library with every letter you type -- this is vastly superior to Windows Media Player's ridiculous infinitely flopping pop-out list of artists and albums. One is elegant, one is barely workable.


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