Re: Why Arnie Mickey?


That's a load of illogical ad hominem horsepuckey. Kaus makes a clear and sensible statement of the logic for voting against Davis, and there's no reasonable way to shimmy a class-war wedge into it:

a) He runs a corrupting "pay to play" administration...

b) He's weak and won't risk losing votes: ...

It's the future of the state. If the voters brutally and unfairly punish a state-of-the-art pol who overspends in boom times and puts off tough decisions until after he's reelected, that doesn't seem to me a terrible precedent to set. It seems a useful precedent.

Why not just deal with his arguments, rather than attacking not even his character but his pocketbook? It's unbecoming to get all high and mighty just because you're not typing from Santa Monica with the surf in your ear.


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You are on a hair trigger, my friend. I wrote "but to this I object," which implies that I'm singling out the part I quote for objectionableness. Then I wrote "I don't mind Kaus's argument that Schwarzenegger may be an effective governor," thereby, apparently, setting a new low in vicious attacks. I thought the Kaus column was good and pretty convincing, but the sentiment behind "we're just talking about the car tax" is something that bothers me and something that I haven't heard many people bring up, so I brought it up.

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