Re: There are thousands of flowers on a single head of broccoli


"I kept the big piece for myself and gave the smaller pieces to colleagues."

That says it all, really.

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Yeah, that's hilarious.

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I feel the urge to clarify: No, no, it's not true that the Germans loved him. Yes, he was quite popular back in the late 80s. But really only among young boys. The kind of people who watched Knight Rider, and as a result were eager to go to his concerts. Thing is, you can't send your 11-year old alone to a concert. So the whole family goes. Inflating the statistic, and making it seem like the entire population was into David Hasselhoff. Well, maybe a few adults were, but really, the driving factor were little Knight Rider fans. Who are now probably deeply embarrassed about that part of their past.

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Ah well, I guess America had its brief infatuation with Nena (of Luftballons fame), also in the 80s.

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