Re: An old favorite


Sheesh, much like genital herpes, Paul Cameron never goes away, does he? Y'know, if I was all just searching utilitarian-style for the best possible orgasm, I would just masturbate every day and...

Hmm. Maybe I am just looking for the best orgasm. I'll be back in a few minutes.

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I'm sure Mrs. Cameron finds it deeply flattering when Mr. Cameron tells her, "Yes, honey, as with all married couples, sex in our marriage does tend toward the boring end, but don't you worry, I'm doing my utmost to resist the sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex delivers."

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Gosh, did you really need to mention genital warts and your ungodly onanism in the same comment?

Fat chance I have of getting back to sleep now.

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genital warts

No, no, genital herpes. What kind of reprobate do you take me for?

your ungodly onanism

Ungodly? Clearly you have never seen me in action. Unless you own "Hot One-Handed Blogging #21," that is. If that be the case, I can only respond that everybody has a bad day now and again. That director was a complete jackass about it.

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I'm just happy to have comments at all. Keep it up, amigo.

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The best part in the 2nd link was "Fact #4", that "homosexual domestic violence is a "logger" problem..." I'll say it is!

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