A system of government whereby all people in a country support a one-party rulership.
democratic processn.
The process of squelching opposing opinions in matters of politics.
One who engages in dissent or dialectic with the true party of a democratic country [the GOP], or one who questions or condemns any action of that party. SEE ALSO libral [listed under satan-worshipping hedonist], democrat [listed under babykillers], leftist [listed under communist], evildoer, and liar.
Stolen from the Official RNC Dictionary
democracy n. pl. democracies
A system of government whereby all people in a country support a one-party rulership.
democratic process n.
The process of squelching opposing opinions in matters of politics.
traitor n.
One who engages in dissent or dialectic with the true party of a democratic country [the GOP], or one who questions or condemns any action of that party. SEE ALSO libral [listed under satan-worshipping hedonist], democrat [listed under babykillers], leftist [listed under communist], evildoer, and liar.
Posted by Michael | Link to this comment | 03- 7-04 2:07 PM