Re: Feel Me Dog?


Glancing down their list of schools, I notice "Medical Schools." Is there actually an institution that goes by that name, or is medical school just the universal signal of wealth and good breeding, allowing one to skip the ritual scholastic namedropping?

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I hadn't noticed that. I can't tell if it means any medical school (I bet not) or the med school of any of the listed institutions. Personally, I think the med school folks should have their own, weirder, service.

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Date-a-Doc certainly isn't weird enough.

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If they're going to be nitpicky enough to accept graduates from UCLA, &c, as long as they're old enough to have attended before what Ms. Touchings must view as a grave decline, they may as well go all the way. Bonus points if you attended Berkeley between years X and Y, demerits but you're still acceptible if you were at Duke and majored in economics during the 70s when, as everyone knows, their faculty was sub-par. That sort of thing.

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Oh, but as to your original question, you're cracker enough for me.

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How else to decide?

Do you know the secret handshake of whiteness?

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