Re: A Little Scared


Look, I don't have HBO, so you'd better tell me.

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What, no friends who get HBO either? Can't you bribe them with a nice bottle of wine and the pleasure of your company?

I ain't tellin'.

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Jerk. My precious dignity actually prevents me from saying, "hey, can I watch the Chris Rock thing, because I'm too cheap to buy a tv?"

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Oh, you don't even have a TV? What are you, an academic? I suppose hopping a flight to watch it at my place is out too?

Two bottles of wine.

Not tellin'.

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Sheesh, Ogged, are you working for cable tv, or something?

I'm too poor to have cable at present. I'd ce3rtainly like to, to be sure.

Just saying. And, you know, curious, now, thanks to you, and solely to you, what was so cutting and true.

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Maybe you and Fontana can work out a deal to watch it together somewhere. Sure is cutting and true...

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What about all the poor college students who're now incapable of doing their work because they're so intrigued, but equally incapable of finding out directly because they have no cable and no time?

What about us?

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