Re: Scalia


Shit, sorry about your computer. So now someone can start posting here as you? How will we know?

Maybe you should include an oblique reference to masturbating with motor oil in each post...just a thought...

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About Lithwick, I'll say this: her job didn't exist until she started doing it. I'll bet you never wanted Linda Greenhouse's job...but Lithwick started writing smart and funny reports from the Supreme Court, and lo and behold, there's an eager audience. Go Dahlia.

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No, dude, I *do* want Linda Greenhouse's job. I love her. She's really good. (Or: that's how lame I am about the Supreme Court. I also really wanted a Rehnquist bobblehead.)

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Oh. I didn't know you had issues. Got it.

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Seriously, I used to think the Supreme Court was hot shit too--I mean, they're a bunch of extremely powerful people, unelected, serving for life, wearing black robes. Who doesn't want that gig--or at least to have proximity to that gig? But I lost my zest when the whole "study law" part became clear...

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Oh? Did O'Connor study law?

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Well, I know she literally went to law school; I just meant she sometimes writes opinions that are...waffle-y.

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