Re: The Moment's Gone



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You have no limits at all, do you?

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No, I won't because it, like me, is already so very very perfect. I should have had co-blogger tryouts.

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Oh, who am I kidding, time to put the cards on the table. So I'm in favor of fatwas and homelessness; what of it?

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You looked much younger in the first picture.

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It's been a very long day.

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Wow. You get the idea that Mr Second Guy might have some fidelity issues...just a touch. And a Taste for superfluous Capital letters. That's hot.

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That guy is the gift that keeps on giving.

Describe the perfect evening or weekend: friday

What is your ideal age for marriage?: 37

What do you do for a living?: everyhing possible

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Thanks for the inspiration to look again. If this were any weirder, it'd be a good joke, especially with the sort of Iranian Willie Loman look he's got going on:

If you could be reincarnated, who would you choose to be?:   first

This is a thread about ESPN, by the way.

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One hopes this one is a joke.

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You're right, Bachelor #2 is fantastic.

What are the three items that you can't live without?: cheat, lie and dishonest

What turns you off?: bad diseas

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?: That is depend on the political situation of world, and my courier

You'll have to ask my courier. He's driving.

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