Re: The Record on Ebadi



If I were you, I'd email Roger and Glenn about this.

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Yeah, did that just as I posted. Glenn has generally been good over the years about things like this, and the one time I complained to Roger, he did respond. So I'm hopeful that they'll post much-needed updates.

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Have you heard anything back from Reynolds? I wrote to Roger, and he wrote back to say that he believes that he's right.

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Nothing from either of them. I used the form on Roger's site to contact him. If you have a real email address for him, that would be great. (How can he be right??)

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I'll email you.

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Given that Ebadi makes a living suing the government in a country where that's a decidedly dangerous activity, and has done so since long before her fame protected her, I don't think Reynolds has much of a case.

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Right, Jonathan. Sometimes people forget to mention that Ebadi herself has served time in jail...

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