Re: Mish or Bust


It strikes me that you're leaving out a couple of relevant details.

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Nope, I'm pretty sure asking your wife for sex is the scandal threshold now.

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Come on. The point is that he pressured her to go to sex clubs and have sex in front of the other people.

Now I personally have nothing against sex clubs and having sex in front of other people but

(a) a large number of people in America (and presumably more of them Republican than Democrat) frown on that sort of thing and

(b) even though I have nothing against these actions, I DO think it's a major league sleazeball who pressures his wife into doing them if she doesn't want to do so. Yeah, it's not quite at the same level as raping her or beating her up, but we don't know what sort of threats were applied. And damn, even if no threats of violence were involved, it is just mean mean mean to make someone do something that they really aren't comfortable doing. A decent man would (if this sort of sex mattered to him) have divorced her and taken up with some one more compatible.

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Ogged is right-- I asked unf's wife for sex once, and my political career is in shambles. I bet that's because she's not accredited.

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Malehorn understands perfectly.

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Is this some inside joke, or something I am too thick to get?

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It's a joke, Maynard (check two posts below this one); and, in fact, the original post isn't quite serious: I'm just disappointed that the talk is that Ryan is dropping out because of a "sex scandal" when the crappy things he did are lie and use his son as a shield.

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