Re: No, Vern


Oh yes, believe it. I wrote about Vernon the other day. He's a scumbag of the first order and I couldn't be happier than to have the national spotlight shine brightly upon his particular brand of ugliness.

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Oh, and he definitely has a chance to win. We elected Jesse Helms five times. I suspect, though, the combination of moderates being repelled by this sort of rhetoric and select other Republicans being repelled by, well, by the fact that he isn't white, should be enough to propel one of the others to the GOP nomination. Still, I wouldn't bet money against him.

FWIW, the Democrats running are both unknown and poorly funded, so...

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I nearly got in a car accident when I first heard this on the radio. This guy's a piece of work.

The first spot he had running on the radio played up the similarity between him and Jesse Helms, and the dissimilarity among him and the other black politicians (though he notes that the only similarity is "a real good tan.")

The second spot trashes all his REPUBLICAN opponents in the primary for being godless gay-loving politicians.

I think it's this second spot that will secure him the emnity of republicans and defeat. Then again...

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Well, damn. You really think he can win. Oy.

Don't know how I missed your post apostropher...

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I've been away from my old hometown a while now, but I don't think Vernon Robinson will win the nomination. The district is very safe for the GOP (over 60% Bush in 2000), and I'm sure someone will find a way to fix it and get a bloodless technocrat type in. It's a shame really; Robinson gives good spectacle (and if he gets the nomination, bloodless technocrat Senate candidate Richard Burr gets a poke in the eye).

Everyone I still know in Winston knows that Robinson isn't the black Jesse Helms; he's the Republican Al Sharpton. Here's the result of another of his brilliant ideas:

Of course, batsh*t though he be, he's a smart guy with no morals (only moralisms) in a crowded field, so who knows?

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Here's what I wrote at my blog (

"Jesse Helms is back! And this time, he's black."

How funny is that?

Okay, I can't take credit for the headline; it's the unofficial slogan of a leading candidate for Congress, Vernon Robinson.

He's the type of guy liberals love to hate. He xenophobically attacks illegal aliens, bashes gays, and announces the crisis of "feminization of the military". This is a guy guaranteed to create lots of awkward moments at Thanksgiving. He'd probably start screeching about "welfare queen injuns" or how the country would be better off if we all lived on wooden ships, or some other crazy shit.

Not even the 19th Century is safe from his pillaging: he resurrects the issue of "sound money". He's only a small step from ranting that leaving the gold standard was a communistic ploy, and paper money is only favored by the New York Jew money lenders.

You go, Vernon Robinson! Just please don't go to Washington.

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