Re: Prehistoric


Just to make clear, the people who should have the living daylights bombed out of them are the Muslim world, not just the Iraqi people.

I'll be sure to drop by O'Reilly's house, stop up his toilet, mess with his electric lines, humiliate some some of his neighbors, and then ask if he still likes me.

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Primitives who were just about to build nukes I tell you!

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Probably the saddest and scariest thing I can say about these last couple of years is how it has changed my view of America. When in school, we read about dark periods of America's history like McCarthyism. But to a child, these seemed the stupid mistakes of the past, and were unthinkable today. But the hatemongering, abuses of civil rights, orwellian speeches, and the dividing of america have certainly changed that view. It's now much easier for even a kid like me to understand not just the dark periods of America's history, but of other nations as well.

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Yeah, Michael. Well said.

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Michael, Bob,

I'm glad to see you both support W over the fascist enemies of America.

McCarthyism is a grrreat point.

Never forget that the majority of UEnichstan nations are responsible for most of the 'isms' of the 20th century.

For purely political agendas, the Democrats hope to attempt to convict the Administration of "misleading the American public" and wasting American lives through deception and fraud, and thus to defeat the President at the polls in November.

This is the campaign of the Big Lie and its success depends on the very fact that it is a big lie. Its aim is to shift the very terms of the argument to a terrain favorable to the critics who have been refuted by the events themselves – a terrain entirely irrelevant to the reality of the war itself. To respond to this campaign would require of its targets candor and courage, because the only way to confront it is to impugn the integrity, honesty and goodwill of those who so maliciously prosecute it. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration does not seem up to this task of calling its critics to account.

[more at link]

You guys are a hoot. Whatever that means.

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