Re: Thanks, but no



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Yeah, I have a scary deadline coming up at work, so I figured I'd better step up my goofing off.

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The blog is here for you, man.

As for the substance of the post, the apposite question would seem to be, Does the Pope have any clue what's happening?

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What the fuck?

I thought the pope was the anti-christ, at least that's what the left behind series taught me.

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I'm really scared that the pope will accept. It's kind of the same attitude as reporters who want "access."

A while back, when people were talking about Kerry being excommunicated, I tried to post a comment, but my computer at work was messed up, and I never got around to it. The point was that the whole thing was the work of just a couple bishops and scary-conservative pundits, and that the bishops and the pope are not stupid enough to actually excommunicate Kerry. They may be corrupt, but they're at least politicians.

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Why should I even care?

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