Re: Lance schmance


That little woman ate 36 dozen oysters in 10 Minutes and 23 pulled pork sandwiches in 10 minutes?? Good gawd.

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Well, probably not in the same day.

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Eaaasy there, Bob. The title of your post could be messin' with someone's mojo. Now is not the time.

: )

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Did you know he's dating Sheryl Crow? I'd had no idea.

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17 pounds of cow brains in 15 minutes. Sooner him than me.

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(Wondering if Dave is talking about Kobayashi, or Lance and his old lady Sheryl...)

Bob, I know what chamois cream Lance uses, the coffee he drinks, and how he paints his TT bikes so they look like they're made by his sponsor. Sheryl's old news for me. :)

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