Re: Significant Others


"Well, I've got a soft spot for Bill Laimbeer. Oh, and once I blew Enver Hoxha in the back of a bus."

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You too, huh?

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What? That bastard lied to me!

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You have to consider the possibility that she's just messing with your head. No one actually has a soft spot for Bill Laimbeer.

For confirmation, you could rent a couple of horror movies together, and see if she gets wistful and dreamy-eyed whenever some chainsaw-weiding lunatic comes on-screen.

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What do you mean "meant to call"? They did call it that, modulo some capitalization. Are you just reassuring us in case we might think they had called it that accidentally and then never changed it?

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The version I see is missing a "t" in "Still."

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Ah. Quite. Consider me chastened.

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Ah, so the charming young lady likes Thomas Kinkade and Bill Laimbeer . . .

I'm beginning to think that, with all due respect, your mom isn't all that great a matchmaker.

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No points for one of a kind?

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By "points for one of a kind" do you mean "she's very original!"?

Or "good thing there's only one of her!"?

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We hate him in Chicago, too.

I would say that I can admire that a slow white guy could compete at that level, but it's quite a stretch to call what he did "competing".

It's interesting to me that the only "class act" of the Detroit "Bad Boys" - Joe Dumars - has been so much more sucessful than the crybabies and cheapshot artists ( Isaiah Thomas and Bill Laimbeer ).

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Ed Vrdolyak? Is that you?

Favorite Chicago Stadium Bill Laimbeer story: Bulls playing the Pistons, the crowd chants, "Laimbeer Sucks! Laimbeer Sucks!" for a long good while, then fades, until there's silence in the Stadium. Some blessed soul yells "Laimbeer still sucks!" Crowd goes wild.

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