Re: And the Crowd Said, "Hooray! The end of the republic!"


Referedum on democracy? Oh Please.

Democracy is alive and well. You want to hear both sides? Just open your ears. What you will also hear, from both sides, is people casting aspersions on those expressing opposing views. That's not a challenge to democracy, it's simply the way we yap at each other.

Miller points out that Kerry's record shows him to be so full of nuance, he can't stay with a decision. Miller prefers Bush because at least Bush picks a path and walks down it, rather than forever hesitating to take a step. You may feel that our progress down the path was poorly executed, but at least we are putting one step in front of the other, and not dithering. We don't need another Carter.

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Referedum on democracy? Oh Please.

We've never had one.

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Picking a path and sticking with it is good??? Wouldn't you rather have someone leading the worlds most powerful nation that has the intellectual capacity to recognize what isn't working. Is the fact that much of the rest of the world thinks Bush is a moron count?

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Miller points out that Kerry's record shows him to be so full of nuance, he can't stay with a decision.

Puh-lease. Do I really need to go through and list all the issues on which Bush has pulled 180 degree turns? If that is your criterion for choosing a president, you should vote for Michael Peroutka.

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An unnamed person wrote:


Picking a path and sticking with it is good???


Certainly. The path Bush has set us on is of going to the root of the terrorism problem and planting the seeds of democracy, then shielding them while they take root and grow. That path is worth sticking with. because it leads to a world that is no longer sliding into Islamofascist chaos.

If you deviate from that path now, terrorism will flourish as never before.

Then he wrote:


Wouldn't you rather have someone leading the worlds most powerful nation that has the intellectual capacity to recognize what isn't working.


We do. Notwithstanding all the smear and slime to the contrary, Bush is no dummy. He was smart enough to get through HBS. He was smart enough to defeat Gore. He was smart enough to surround himself with a damn good team.

I know it is popular to blast Bush as a village idiot, but didn't Clinton teach us the error of misplaced reliance on intellectual superiority as a key criterion for picking the guy who lives in the White House? Clinton was said to be so smart he put the rest of us to shame. As it turned out, his untruthful and self-centered character were the real shame.

And now I have the sinking feeling that Kerry is cut from the same cloth. Truth? Character? Lie about your fellow servicemen being war criminals and lie about Christmas in Cambodia to advance your political career.

Deja vu!

Finally, the unnamed person wrote:


Is the fact that much of the rest of the world thinks Bush is a moron count?


No. They're wrong. Their opinions are based on what they are told by people who don't know the truth and choose to slime Bush to serve their own agenda. Such opinions are meaningless.

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Ever hear of the war on terror? 3000 dead people? Bush is fighting that one, and is offering a future. Kerry is still fighting the Vietnam war. Saletan's comments are stupid and wrong because they are so over exaggerated, even from a liberal position.

This is the kind of stuff that liberals say about Republicans all the time, then whine about people like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

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Tip for trolls: (why do i bother? edition)

If ya come on to a lefty blog

and make a bunch of wild assertions with no argument

really don't expect to convince anyone, so you're wasting your time.

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