Re: Dishonor


What a yo-yo this Alec is.

horizontal rule

I think the thing to do is to turn away in silence, reflect on the Meno, feel sad.

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What's the track record on meaningful contributions from famous philosophers' offspring?

I'd guess it's not scintillating.

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What's the track record on meaningful contributions from famous philosophers' offspring?

It's all about regression to the mean,

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This is more like the pendulum swinging back to the other side than regression to the mean.

It also seems like it's right up Belle's alley. (This weighty bit of analysis shows that Rawls fils is more than a match for this dude.) Belle, if you make a post about this, I request that it be titled "Behind the Veil of Ignorance".

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Actually nevermind, he can't compete with Ryan Thompson.

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I don't know, ben, I think he can compete. that was some fucked up shit right there. now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go surrender to foreign jihadists so I can get knocked up by Osama.

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