Re: Let Me Help You With That


Democrats are:

1) anti-war panzies

2) intellectually dishonest union thugs more interested in protecting their overpaid jobs than electing good leaders (PICTURED)

3) minorities with little initiative to improve themselves because they think "the man is keeping them down"

4) cappuccino-sipping intellectuals who prefer "All Things Considered" instead of actually getting out and doing anything

4) corrupt, dishonest, sleazebags who pander to all of the above (and anyone else disaffected by conservative policies) so that they can get themselves elected (JOHN FLIPFLOP KERRY)

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Democrats are [...] panzies

Macho Ronnie,

Any time you'd like to come to Durham, NC, and demonstrate with your fists what a "panzie" this Democrat is, I'm more than willing to meet you. You man enough?

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Hey Apostropher, don't pick on poor Ronnie, the poor dear can't even count to five!

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Ronnie is:

1) Unable to count

2) Gets off insulting people OVER THE INTERNET

3) Has a penchant for playground-style namecalling.

4) Is apparantly only able to understand people via stereotypes that operate at the intellectual level of a bad standup comic.

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Michael, a few of those points are have too many verbs.

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apostropher , #2, I'm willing.

Do you have cappuccino?

I'll be in Frisco next year. I enjoy hugs, windsurfing and walking dogs on a clean beach.

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Gets off insulting people OVER THE INTERNET


Eat sand vanilla sniffer. There!

OMG, I'm sorry, i just insulted you.

Can this be deleted?

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Frisco, Outer Banks of course, not CA.

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I don't know about you guys, but ronnie's post definitely left me with the feeling that, in hip-hop schlock movie parlance, "we suckas just got served".

In real life, it was obvious that the right's macho-meter was seriously defective when they elevated the drugstore cowboy wuss George W. Bush over the real deal John McCain (whom they called "the fag candidate" and "the Manchurian Candidate", among other things).

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>apostropher , #2, I'm willing. Do you have cappuccino?

Come on through Durham, love. We've got a full-on boxing club downtown. But then you didn't call me a "panzie," just a watermelon, so it would be a somewhat different point being proven. I mean, yeah, if I get cut from a clash of heads or something then it will be obvious I'm red on the inside, and a good shot to the groin would probably leave me green on the outside. So, ceding the point there.

We can go grab a cappuccino afterwards. I like hugs and dogs too, but the one time I tried to windsurf, I never could even get standing up on it before it would tip one way or the other. At that endeavor, I'm quite sure you'd be the better man.

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oh golly, I screwed up the numbering...I guess my argument is destroyed. :(

But wait, in light of the weakness of all your rebuttals, I feel renewed. YES!!! You are still a bunch of panzies....or whatever. Maybe you are 2, 3, or 4.

Remember your mission panzie boys: destroy America, make it the "Land of the Weak, Home of the Sue-Happy" because that's what Lenin and Marx really want you to do.

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I'll donate to the RNC if you've ever read anything by marx other than the communist manifesto, if that. Let me be remedial about this...I'm not saying I support them, I just bet you like insulting people by associating them with 2 guys you don't really know much about.

as for weakness of rebuttels...rebuttals to what? You didn't present anything remotly resembling an argument.

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"Eat sand vanilla sniffer."

Okay, now that's funny. Two points awarded. I guarantee I will call somebody a vanilla sniffer before the week's up.

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No one's addressing the big question--why is the guy in Cincinatti all black-and-golded up? Not that I'm complaining--Go Steelers!--but after last year you think they'd be proud to root for their own team.

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2) intellectually dishonest union thugs more interested in protecting their overpaid jobs than electing good leaders (PICTURED)

Intellectually dishonest? Is the guy's kung fu grip begging the question or something?

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