Re: With Honors


That was awesome. Which one was you?

horizontal rule

You have to ask?

And yes, I admit I'm kind of holding up my left bicep to make it look a little bigger, but, dude, it was going up on the web and all.

horizontal rule

oh god. I was overwhelmed by the incredible inappropriateness of this photo and so failed to note the old "hold up your own bicep" trick.

I thought maybe this was you, or maybe this. What I love most: poses that never ever happen off camera. Dude-- I was playing football so hard that my helmet burst into flames! Then I decided to relax by moving some furniture down to the railroad tracks and playing some guitar. Nice.

horizontal rule

That last one is me. I still have yet to learn guitar.

This, incidently, I believe to be ben.

horizontal rule

That's baa you're talking about, I assume.

horizontal rule

nope, you.

horizontal rule

Whatever. My computer is so much rad-i-k00ler than that chump's.

(Ogged ... you have a filter on your comments that converts zeroes to o? wtf? You're harshing my 1337, man.)

horizontal rule

Huh, sure enough. Take it up with the MT folks.

horizontal rule

that totally rocked.

horizontal rule