Re: You can't see your own flaws


Hey, isn't that shot from The Big Book of British Smiles?

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Why, that's the worst ingrown toenail I've ever seen! It doesn't even look like a toe anymore.

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A lot of it's in the back, between the teeth, or under your gums.

Flossing works though. Glide Ultra-Comfort floss is actively enjoyable to use. (Well, maybe you have to be weird to enjoy it. But it's nothing like the old fashioned Colgate Mint Waxed Make Your Gums Bleed floss.)

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I had an ingrown hair on my inner thigh puff up like that. It popped during my intro to law for business major idiots class.

And that's my life.

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Use an electric toothbrush and you won't have much tartar anymore.

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(sorry if this is a duplicate - if not, I guess we need Javascript on, in order to successfully comment)

It's structural bias - the presenters of info want to wow their audience, not inform them. Or rather, there are 2? 3? pieces of information worth providing - 1)(?)what does it look like at the very beginning; 2) what's typical; 3) how bad can it get.

#1 might not be terribly useful, but #2 would be. Unfortunately the simplest perspective of "informing" has a single checkbox, not a multiple choice list.

if you know what I mean.

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