Re: Numbers


Apostropher is certainly no DailyKos, but as the election nears, I've seen my traffic shoot up sharply as well, despite posting less frequently and less substantively than usual. Just today, I had to purchase an additional 2GB of bandwidth for this month because I was going to break my 5GB limit for the first time tomorrow or the next day. I'm interested to see how blog traffic in general looks once the election, the recounts, the Supreme Court case, and the ensuing race war pass.

Kos has more or less morphed into a 527 with a website attached. It's really impressive what he has built.

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What's unfogged's traffic look like?

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Yeah, what does unfogged's traffic look like?

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Our traffic is both modest and remarkably consistent. It probably seems higher than it is because we have such good commenters. Here are daily numbers for this month, and monthly numbers for this year.

The one big spike, with 35000 visitors in May, was during the Alexandra Kerry see-through-dress brouhaha, when we got linked by Kaus and a bunch of other high-traffic bloggers.

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Oh, forgot to add: I think even these numbers are bogus, frankly. You've got people following random searches, people checking in from some other blog for five seconds, etc. If I had to guess, I'd say we have around 600-700 regular readers. Which, judging by the quality of the discussion here, and the level of involvement, seems to be perfect.

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Well, Kos himself has said that the site has gone through some major transformations in terms of the community dynamic as the site has grown. New people come in, old people leave, the tone changes.

Kos is more like a Dem shashdot than anything else. I don't even bother commenting there anymore. But I still visit every day.

The busiest place I comment is probably Making Light. Which, I might add is currently discussing baseball, exactly why Bush is scooting off to Crawford this weekend and various Catholic heresies. Recommended if you like that sort of thing.

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That's not exactly the most legible format for a chart to be in.

I thought Pelagianism was the rejection of original sin?

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