Re: Profit


Wow, straight out of Life of Brian.

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If she was selling guns instead of rocks she'd be okay.

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Woman Accused of Selling Rocks During Riot Sentenced.

Tears of fear turned to tears of joy when three little girls today found out Mom will not be going to jail. Instead, Yuolanda Taylor, 32, will spend five months on a tether, 2 years on probation and pay a $560 fine.

Taylor was arrested this past April on charges of inciting a riot on June 16, 2003. Police claimed she sold rocks to the rioters. In October, Taylor pleaded no contest on the advice of her lawyer Frank Stanford. Taylor asked Berrien County Trial Judge Casper O. Grathwohl to allow a change of plea during her November 15, 2004 sentencing but her request was denied.

"I didn't do it," said Taylor. "I was just making a joke with the police officers." "Many people, including reporters came to my house that night because of the signs I made about the rioting."

Taylor's mother, Denise Sanders of Benton Harbor, said, "God is good. Now I can get a good nights sleep." Sanders said the whole family had been quite upset over the charges that could have resulted in 10 years behind bars. Sanders says her daughter had to quit work due to the stress.

Taylor, a single mother of three girls, says earning enough money to support her family has been difficult. Now she must pay $84 a week for the five months she will be on the tether as well as the $560 fine.

About 15 supporters wept for joy during a group hug outside the courtroom immediately after sentencing. Taylor is looking forward to getting on with her life.

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