Re: Rendering


I'm having trouble using my Mosaic on Windows 3.11. Thanks.

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I see it just fine using Firefox 0.9.1, although the coloring seems to be a bit off (the blue in your jpeg has more green in it, almost a teal; the blue I see is a pleasant, "true" blue).

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It looks much prettier in Mac OS X Safari. Warning: it's a 350K pdf.

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That's how it looks in firefox on linux, too, apostropher.

(For a bit while the pdf was downloading it occurred to me that that would be a great place to hide a picture of the talented mr. goatse.

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That does look good, mainly because you guys have (what in Windows is called) Cleartype on, which gives that nice smooth type.

I'm mostly concerned that folks can see the "posted by" information, and so far it seems that only some older browsers on Macs have trouble with it.

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IE 6


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