Re: The Mesozoic


I've dealt with the same problem. Bitching about it rarely works. Perhaps threatening to fire people is the answer. They would probably be very reluctant to lose that steady income that Unfogged membership provides.

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Unf, you're fired.

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I think maybe you need to get a new co-blogger named Unf, kind of like how Batman would get a new "ward" every couple decades and he'd always be called Robin.

Of course, I don't know why you would want to model your life after a fucking pederast like Batman.

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I feel your pain, Ogged. My worthy co-blogger moved all the way across the country and his wife had a baby and suddenly it's as if he has more important things to do than help me keep content up at apostropher.

Fucking slacker.

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You know, some of us write all our own stuff and we don't bitch about it, either. AND we have kids. You lazy bastard.


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You have a blog?

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Can I be the new Unf?

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Adam Kotsko has endorsed my bid for Unf.

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If you win the job, this thread will have to be deleted, because the true identities of Unfogged contributors cannot be known.

(Adam Kotsko, Anthony Smith, Robb Schuneman, et al. are also assumed names, for those who wonder.)

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Yeah, the advantage of having a pseudonym like "ben wolfson" is that since it resembles a real name, no one on the internet thinks it's not actually my real name.

This is something that the morons like that student of Leiter's who came by here a while ago, who insist that people put their real names to their opinions on the internet, never seem to realize.

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Adam "kotsko", I have known several kotsko's and I have never heard of you. Is Kotsko your real last name, and if not, why did you choose that particular name?

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