Re: We Sell Dirt


The answer to the contradiction is this: George W. Bush has assumed the manners and bearing of the barbarian titans who have run things in the red states since the days of the cattle/mining/oil barons.

Of course Bush is utterly inauthentic, possessing none of the physical courage and personal ruthlessness of his models, and is really nothing more than a drugstore J.R. Ewing. But his admirers evidently prefer that to someone who pays no homage at all to their cultural ideals.

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George W. Bush is a very dangerous person. He may not mean to be but his obvious lack of good judgement makes him the worst US president in living memory, or possible ever.

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His "internets" flub seems rather like his dad's amazement at supermarket scanners. I wonder why no one has siezed on this to demonstrate his lack of regular-guyness.

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