Re: This Is It



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Cool, ogged. I'm organizing people to be poll monitors in Toledo on election day. Good luck with everything.

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Great, now I have to give 10,000 to Swfit Boat Vets to even things out...

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Looks like there's going to be lots of fun in Ohio this year. Best of luck fighting the S.O.B.s!

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Steve Gilliard has a good post about fighting voter suppression efforts.

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Ok, fine, you win. I'm move-on-ing in Harrisburg. Jerk.

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Woohoo! You'll like it, I promise. Mostly.

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I'm the Minority Inspector for my precinct. I got involved through my neighbor who volunteers through the Committee of Seventy. Though I think Kerry will get Pennsylvania, it's still going to be a close race.

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That's excellent. One of the things that kept me from getting involved more in the past was just ignorance: of how one went about getting involved, and of who else got involved. The internet really has made a difference in this regard, in that it's easy to see that people just like us are doing a lot to help So, thanks for not being modest.

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