Re: What Was the Question Again?


Tell the Americans to invade;

um, ok. maybe we can borrow the russian army or something . . .

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Thinking outside the box; I like it!

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Back in the Iran/Contra days, it struck me that it really didn't take much money to finance a small guerilla force. In turn, the guerillas can inflict a great deal of economic damage. Even with no hope of military success, the Contras certainly brought Nicaragua to its knees. The lesson being that it's much cheaper to destroy than to build.

Ironically (can we still use the word?), Abrams, Negroponte, and the US are now holding the other end of the stick in Iraq.

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What's the general take (now that you are the Voice of Your People) on Kermit Roosevelt?

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Re: Kermit Roosevelt

Anyone who chooses "Luck Be a Lady Tonight" as a revolutionary anthem has at least one thing going for him.

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"This is all by way of saying, I don't know what to say."

Good to hear, though.

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