Re: Capitulation


Damn, your life is easy if what it takes to wake you up is light and sound. Wait till your bladder system betrays you and you have to wake up every three hours to pee :-)

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Well, yes, I don't want to say that my life is hard, but being awakened by any light and any sound ain't so hot.

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Maynard, sounds like being pregnant....

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In addition to the mask and earplugs, I think you should try this. Apparently it results in "better sleep, for a longer amount of time."

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I started wearing eyeshades when I sublet an apartment that was literally flooded with sunlight in the AM, and now I find that I can't sleep in without them. There are worse problems to have.

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bitch - yes, but in 9 months you will have a child, and we will still have a huge prostate.

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cw, True. On the other hand, kids are a pain in the butt, and if you have to have your prostate surgically removed, people don't get all up in arms and try to pass laws against it.

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Oh for christ's sake, bitchphd, don't go pulling that "women have to suffer for pregnancy crap" on me. I knew I didn't want children so I had a vasectomy. If women don't want children, they can do the same. You appear to want it both ways --- both whatever supposed joys there are in having children, along with the freedom to whine about how awful it is being pregnant and then a mother.

(Yes, I'm being testy, but dammit, you asked for it.)

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[ogged responds to Maynard in the surely vain hope that b will be placated and restrain her bile]

Maynard, my friend [though note that Gary Farber still thinks you're an anti-semite], surely women are allowed to note the discomforts of pregnancy, given that a) they're real and b) have no male analog. And surely we can agree that the "choice" to not get pregnant isn't quite the same as the "choice" say, to not bungee jump, what with all those biological drives and societal pressures and great rewards that attend child-bearing/rearing.

And it's beyond argument that a woman's biological existence is the subject of greater legal scrutiny than a man's.

And it's worth noting that to complain about something isn't necessarily to wish it to be/have been otherwise.

All that said, I fully support your decision to get a vasectomy ;)

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Was I complaining? I merely pointed out that when pregnant, one has to wake up frequently to pee. It is a fact. You might as well bitch at Maynard that prostate problems go along with having a dick, and if he enjoys the one...

Now, if I told you the story about peeing and throwing up *at the same time*, and how I managed that one given that I did not live in a place with two toilets strategically positioned two feet apart, *that* would be complaining.

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Oops, "you might as well bitch at Maynard" should actually read "I might well point out that," given that Maynard was the person leaving the comment. My bad.

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Sleep problems: it's what all the hip bloggers are talking about these days.

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