Re: Housekeeping


I appreciate your continuing efforts to support female bloggers through your blogroll.

I will try to post more comments here and run a more interesting blog so that perhaps The Weblog can be considered for the next round of Unfogged Blogroll Expansion.

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I have no idea which parts of that comment are in earnest.

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I'm a little confused myself, actually.

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Ogged, IA is gone. It's time to admit that to yourself.

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You've only *just now* added me to your blogroll?!? After all I've done for you? Hmmph.

(Someday we should compare hit counts and see which of us is supporting the other with our blogroll link ;)

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You're on probation b, don't get mouthy.

Ben, I'm still working through those issues; thanks.

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What, you're trying to keep me down? Some affirmative action program this is.

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Not down, just in your place, where you'll be happier. Trust me.

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Maybe you're right. Then I wouldn't need to worry my pretty little head over all this difficult career stuff. I need a man to take care of me. I'll be showing up on your doorstep any day now.

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You're so sweet, and reasonable, not like those other women. And you know we Iranians are known for our hospitality; come over any time; I'll introduce you to my mother.

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You live with your mother? That, plus the eyeshades & earplugs thing, somehow seems very Anthony Perkins-ish. Clearly you need a woman to take care of you. Besides mom, I mean.

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I don't, much to my mother's chagrin, live with, or even near her. But if you show up on my doorstep, of course I'll have to fly you over to see her. But it's going to take one hell of a woman to get me to give up the sensory deprivation apparatus.

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Oh, there's lots of fun to be had with sensory deprivation. Or so I hear.

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Try not to corrupt me with that feminine wiles stuff, ok?

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Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.

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Now now, no protesting. This won't hurt a bit. Just relax.

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Wait, back up. I was in a comment thread with coy sex talk, but now I'm at the dentist. Where did I go wrong?

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Yeah, I didn't get the tone of that quite right. Sue me, I had a migraine earlier today and I'm a bit off.

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Ha! Ok, goodnight b.

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You guys are freaks. I love this blog.

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I've enjoyed this blog much more ever since it switched from a political/tech links format to an "Ogged gossips about himself" format.

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I've been worrying about that, Adam. I'd like to keep doing the political stuff, and my life just isn't going to sustain much interesting blogging. You're all warned, it's just a matter of time before I get earnest and hysterical again.

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Are your co-bloggers ever going to post again?

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I hope (and expect) so. Remember that Unf is an attorney at a hotsy-totsy firm, so he has no free time. Bob and Fontana are both academics, and this is end of term.

Sometimes I worry that I post so much that it discourages them from posting. But then I post because they're not posting, and, yes, it's vicious.

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You see, there you go making assumptions about other people's motivations again.

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Why are you trying to drive me crazy?

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Why are you giving me assignments?

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If you're serious about this grad school thing, you really need to get used to being abused by people who have no business abusing you. And you might have been flattered if I'd written something like, "Ben, given your more recent involvement with philosophy, I'd love to hear your take on the difference between "grouping" and "dividing." Think you could spare us a few words?" But what's the fun in that?

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Oh, I just said "why are you giving me assignments" because I thought I should reply to your question in kind, and that was the most recent thing I could think of plausibly to complain about. And I think I'd have been rather confused had you said what you propose above; since it's happened before that you've told me to do or define something it didn't really catch me off guard (though I admit I'm never sure in what spirit to take just about anything you say).

Also, you usually only ask for the difference between things that seem similar, and "to group" and "to divide", to my mind, aren't.

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get used to being abused by people who have no business abusing you

So grad school's no different from working retail? That sucks.

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Working retail pays better.

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Working retail is more fun. But the repartee is less clever.

And it's the end of term for me, too, and I'm posting. And it's not even my blog. I'm not buying that "end of term" "I'm a lawyer, I have a demanding job" bullshit. Crappy excuse, man.

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I must say, this exchange between ogged and bphd is, er, interesting.

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You're all warned, it's just a matter of time before I get earnest and hysterical again.

I'll keep reading, even when you're earnest. I suffer from an unfortunate excess of that, myself. This has been a damn amusing interlude, though. Hopefully, there'll still be the apostropher & b-phd to mock you.

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PS - I think the earnest works best when Unfogged is firing on all bloggers. I wonder if this spiral is partly because your comrades have momentarily deserted you.

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I think the earnest works best when Unfogged is firing on all bloggers.

I think that's exactly right, cw. No one wants to read a blog that's all about torture and how the country's going to hell. But when eg Labs posts about drapes, then they'll put up with some torture stuff. Free my outrage, co-bloggers!

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