Re: Lennie, And Friends


Orbach was the model for the Halflife2 narrator dude, wasn't he?

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Amen on Orbach and Lennie.

And AMEN on Carey Lowell! What the world needs more of: A Bond Girl who could act. I loved the teasing little sister routine she had going with McCoy.

It's taken me a while to admit it, but I think I prefer Martin to Noth. Now that Lennie's gone, Ed's carrying the show.

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Preach it, Dave! I've been watching a lot of L&O while sick this weekend, and I have no doubt now that Lowell is the best of the ADAs, and Martin is more fun than Noth (Noth had that interesting brooding/tempermental thing going, but after a while, like with all people with bad tempers, you just want to say, "grow up, get over it.")

My heretical thought lately is that, much as I love Sam Waterston, the show is going to get stale unless he's replaced soon.

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Sadly, I agree. But it's Rohm who's leaving this season.

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