Re: Indeed.


yeah, you know how no republicans ever say crazy homophobic shit or freak out about spongebob squarepants? or if that does happen, these people are shunned by the republican elite? and you remember norquist, that crazy 'taxes=the holocaust' guy? he was sure repudiated, right? um, guys?

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Shorter Glenn Reynolds: By refusing to denounce people they have never heard of, liberals prove their moral bankruptcy.

What a maroon.

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the right has done a better job of muzzling and marginalizing its idiots

Y'know, as long the fricking GOP Senate caucus contains Tom Coburn, Glenn Reynolds desperately needs to shut the fuck up.

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Let's see now:

1) Alan Keyes

2) Ann Coulter

3) Michelle Malkin

4) Several sitting senators and reps (see above)

5) Pat Buchanan

Who, exactly, has the right "muzzled"?

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Well, Glenn is discussing some idiot leftist academics. And on this he's right. Idiot leftist academics practically run the Democratic Party, whereas I can't think of a single conservative idiot academic with any prominence at all.

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The conservative idiots are COMPLETELY marginalized, with their power limited mainly to three buildings. Unfortunately, one is the Supreme Court, another is the Capitol, and the third is the White House.

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How marginalized are the conservatives?

Their leader has been living in public housing for over 4 years now.

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Two Words: Rush Limbaugh

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Okay, two words was too short. The Vice President has appeared on the Ruch Limbaugh show, which would indicate that he is not marginalized. And yet -- Rush has compared what happened in Abu Ghraib prison to a fraternity prank, he frequently prnounces the word "ask" as "ax" on his radio program to mock black dialect, he has been accused of (and never apologized for a repuditated) telling a black caller to get the bone out of his nose so that could be understood.

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I guess we can conclude that there are as many idiots on the right than there are on the left. But, somehow, the rightist idiots get away with far more than the leftist idiots do... go figure. Must be that "liberal media" thing...

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And let's not forget Atrios's Wanker of the Day, Dr. Thomas Woods, who has been on Hannity & Colmes as well as Scarborough Country, whose book is published by Regnery Press, and who wants America to become what looks an awful lot like a uniformly white Christian notion. Check out

I especially like the comment by Nove Silverpill.

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What cracks me up about Instapundit is that he blatently mischaracterises his links. The wall street journal link points out that:

1. Ward Churchill is radical American-Indian activist ( admit it the indians got screwed)

2. even so, founders of the American Indian Movement denounced him as a "fraud"

3. his screeds usually attract little notice outside obscure Marxist Web sites and the like.

4. He isn't an academic, just an activist talking at a panel

5. The panel is called "Limits of Dissent?"

But to Glenn this guy is somehow the heart of the left.

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I am wrong about churchill not being an academic. He really should be fired.

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Why should he be fired? Free speech and all that, no?

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