Re: Yogurt


Also good for yeast infections.

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Yogurt is tasty and healthy!!!!! Of course South Indians are partial to it.

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I wish I'd known. My nagging mother always tells me to eat yogurt during and after a cycle of antibiotics, and I do. What a good son.

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Watch for the live cultures, though -- you want to get fairly serious appearing yogurt, rather than anything pre-mixed, sweetened, or creamy. (Dannon's classic Fruit on the Bottom is live, AFAIK, but something like, say, Yoplait isn't.)

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Yeah, though most mark it pretty clearly on the package. I'm strictly soy yogurt, and Wildwood and Silk both have live cultures.

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A lot of lactose-intolerant people can eat a moderate amount of real yogurt - the bacteria eat most of it. Of course, YMMV.

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also lavender tea. which is also tasty and healthy. and good for yeast infections.

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Reminds me of a line spoken by an Eastern-European genius in some short story: "It is true that I too have to piss, but for entirely different reasons."

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What's funny is that as a relatively new parent I know this because acidopholus is one of the things that you can add to formula when you think that the tyke. Parenting has given me a whole new set of facts. And I feel DesCartes like that I have unlearned an awful lot of pop culture in exchange for info like this.....

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