Re: Risk, Reward


I have a double whammy of student loans and credit card debt. Fortunately, my education investment has reaped a small reward so that when I look at my paycheck, it tells me I'm middle-class. But after a $500-$600 paydown each month it sure doesn't feel like it. I can deal with it, but I can't imagine carrying this gorilla around on, say, a Walmart employee's salary. I try not to think about losing my job. It gives me the shivers.

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Thanks, David.

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I've been using student loans to pay off credit cards. How's that for robbing Peter to pay Paul, as my mother used to say.

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As long as the student loans have a lower rate of interest, and you can get through school: good plan.


['Tear up the cards!']

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Being a lawyer in Florida, the only state other than Texas to have homestead protection in the state constitution, I have to note that the two states who elected Bushes, both got dicked. The Bush bankrupcy bill screws Florida and Texas. The beauty is, those people who will lose their homes because of Bush, VOTED FOR HIM!

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