Re: Then Age


glasses half full of rheum?

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or perhaps it's yellow bile. Or maybe they are half-full because they are half-moon old-man-style reading glasses.

So are the new glasses evidence that your vision has improved?

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This seems like as good a place to note it as any--for all you who have been concerned, if Wolfson doesn't get dumped for this it's definitive proof of something.

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I think the most reasonable place to note it would have been in that thread, but: it seemed like a reasonable question.

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What gives you the impression that you're allowed to respond to your girlfriend's jokes with reasonable questions?

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Eat lots of blueberries and spinach and kale - keeps your eyes flexible.


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OK, my considered opinion is that she's as much of a geek as he is.

I may spontaneously combust from jealousy.

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In the olden days (when we rode dinosaurs to college) my roommate was trying something like braces except they were for his eyes.

The eye doctor had him wear a series of hard contacts that had different curvature and that would gradually reshape his cornea.

That was the theory. The reality was he alway had contacts that didn't fit his eyes and would pop out for no reason at all.

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