Re: Paglia


I admit it - I love Camille.

Though I rarely agree with her, her logical jujitsu often makes me at least question the assumptions underlying some key beliefs - and that's a good thing I don't do often enough. Sure, the whole 'who the hell does Lucien Harry think you are?'/'I am NOT his mother' business is just loony but then ever since she came out I have only thought of her as woman incredibly ashamed by her inconvenient sexual orientation. It's got to be hard being a heterophobe in a homo's body. As my dad would say, she's more to be pitied than scorned. (Especially since she hasn't half the clout she thinks she does.)

That alone mutes most of the chest-pounding she does in her columns and appearances.

She does raise some interesting issues regarding the degradation of language - though she unfairly harps on blogs alone for that. Camille, honey, do you have instant messenger? Listen to talk radio? Watch the Anna Nicole Smith show?

Talk about your degradation of language.

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