Re: Moral theory: welcome to the terrordome


Whoops, hey sorry about all the smoke...

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are you more distraught by the author's relativism or temporal fallacy?

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I'm distraught by your mom, Michael.

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she thought you were adorable. (if a little short)

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Did 2 seem silly? I thought it was kind of funny to tease FL about his students because he seems to take these things quite seriously. It was also a bit of a serious question, though I now see that they might be difficult to extricate the problems from each other.

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I vote also for "ridiculous understatement."

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hey, the author said "huge", which is like "gigantic", which is like "a big big much". I don't know how much bigger you can get than a big, big much.

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"The Holocaust is now seen as a huge moral mistake."

Well, yeah, but hindsight is 20/20.

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7: It at least rates "megasucky."

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I think the humor (such as it is) hangs on the word mistake. "I'm just sure we had six million Jews around here somewhere, but now I can't seem to find them. We did what to them? Was it on purpose?"

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I laughed at 10. Now I go to hell.

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Hey, at least the student a) is conscious of Huge Moral Badness and b) isn't arguing that the Holocaust was a hoax. In this era, that's progressive thinking.

I'm becoming increasingly thankful for even the smallest sign that all has not been lost to the equal-time-for-opposing-viewpoints-even-

when-they-are-simplistic-and-historically-indefensible school of thought. My Offspring had a history substitute in HS who brought up the "alternate" view of the reality of the Holocaust; lord knows how many kids found it more comforting to decide it hadn't happened. Along with the moon landing and evolution, of course.

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The kid has a future with the NYT. Just the right tone of above-the-fray judiciousness.

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