Re: Door prize


While writing my latest post I came across this, which quotes this whole post, which says,

It's taken me three days to keep the venom in this message to a publicly displayable level.

I may have to program that phrase into a macro.

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Billmon has a good one about it as well.

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I developed a type of epilepsy when I was in college, and seizures are possibly even more unpleasant than they appear. They cause you to flex such a high percentage of your total muscle mass that you wake up with a body ache so thorough that your tongue hurts. I feel for that poor SOB (and our country).

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I think I would have a hard time not picking a fight with someone whom I saw wearing that. This is unfortunate, since I would probably lose said fight.

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I'm thinking of a more intemperate post on torture. It's about Ptolomea, the third round of the Ninth Circle of Dante's Inferno, for traitors against the ties of hospitality. People who commit these crimes are so heinous that their souls descend to Hell immediately, and their bodies are inhabited by demons and continue to live their normal lives.

Some of the discussion of torture I see sounds like it comes from those demons.

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Isn't it wonderful that the Gummint immediately came to the aid of this soldier, made sure he had the best of medical care, made sure his disability cheques were issued promptly... oh, sorry, I've apparently been taking hallucinogens again... The sheer hypocrisy of it pisses me off so very much: Criticise anyone making an anti-war statement as "damaging" to the well-being of Our Boys, but hey - if they really become damaged, let's just pretend it didn't happen.

One of my [acid tone] favourite [/acid tone] stories has still got to be the kid who was severely wounded right after being deployed, who got medical bills from the Army because he hadn't served out his hitch.

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This guy isn't the first to have been beaten practically to death in precisely this sort of situation, is he? I'm sure I remember reading some time ago about someone who, in a "simulation", nearly died owing to his fellow soldier's eagerness to beat people.

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It's a seven month old link, are you thinking earlier?

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Oh. That would do it.

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From the Billmon link, the current news hook is that Baker just sued (I think).

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Proving the need for... Tort Reform!

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"Commemorative." See how far the liberal left is willing to go to aid and abet America's enemy? No sir, liberals do not "commemorate" 9/11.

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Re: washerdryer's comment above:

Those t-shirts are f*cking shocking.

Anyone buying one deserves the ass-kicking to end all ass-kickings.

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I have some fear that someone will show up to my class wearing one of those t-shirts.

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