Re: Uncle


He just doesn't understand that you need to save space for promoting under-appreciated, little-read bloggers like Matthew Yglesias, Kevin Drum, Talking Points Memo, The Poor Man, Crooked Timber, Brad DeLong, and Instapundit. I never would have heard of them if it weren't for your blogroll.

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I knew you'd understand.

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Ralph Luker was Ogged's friend, even when Ogged didn't link to Cliopatria. Cliopatria linked to Unfogged quite regularly, even when Unfogged was politically incorrect. Cliopatria begins to think of Unfogged as a missionary field for historical literacy.

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Since when did Ralph Luker start talking about himself -- heck, since when did Cliopatria start talking about itself -- as if they were Bo Jackson or Bob Dole?

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It was a way to link to Cliopatria three times in a single comment. You have a better suggestion?

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Ralph, you're killing me. All the links you've left are broken. They need to be of the form <a href="">text</a>.

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Cliopatria is a nice blog. Even though it doesn't link to all the history-related stuff on the web it used to.

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That stuff's on a separate page.

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No, I meant Ralph Luker doesn't read / blog the same spectrum of stuff he used to. Or seems to me he doesn't.

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Apologies, Ogged. I thought I had them done correctly and I've done thousands of html links at Cliopatria. slolernr, if what I do has changed, I'm unaware of it. If you run across something that I need to make note of, please do pull my chain.

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This is sort of an odd exchange; I wasn't aware that Cliopatria was in need of more traffic. I mean, I'm sure they would like, and certainly they deserve, more readers, but their readership has got to be relatively high for an academic blog.

I do have a question though: is it possible, in the HNN setup, to separate the link posts from the rest of the posts? Cliopatria has a lot of members and sometimes when they all decide to post in a short period of time the links disappear down the page extremely quickly.

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eb, So, yes, you caught me link whoring. Adam Kotsko taught me the fine art. Ogged encourages it by limited acknowledgement of his plural marriages. I'm afraid that we can't change the HNN system to keep a links post at the top except by manually overriding sequential posting. There is more to be gained by minimizing rules of posting etiquette, but the manual override is used rarely because it tends to ruffle feathers.

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