Re: Make It Stop


Here's one you may have heard of.

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Tennis, soccer, and women's basketball fans?

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I'm not satisfied unless a website is filled with Flash animation.

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You can't bait me, ac.

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Anyone know why whenever I follow a link to, I am redirected to I try to be a patriotic American but Google is thwarting me by making me use a Canadian search engine.

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I think this is to cover up for the fact that espn's actual sports reporting has gone so far downhill. Seriously. It looks like it did a Bode Miller trip right around the time Keith Olbermann left SportsCenter, and only got drunker (on itself) when it started referring to the last 25 years as the ESPN era.

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JO, If you live close to the canadian border (like Ann Arbor, MI or something), it will often redirect you to, I think. People in France get redirected to, etc.

That 10th anniversary page, as a jaguars fan, probably hurts me as much as it hurts apostropher. So close.

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JO, you should be able to overcome that annoyance but typing in "" enough times that your browser remembers it and uses it as the default.

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I think this is to cover up for the fact that espn's actual sports reporting has gone so far downhill.

TD speaks for me. Yes, the website is irritating. It's more irritating that, after putting up with the website, you get such terrible analysis in return. If I were SI, I'd expand my site a lot, and take a shot at ESPN's dominance. (I'm sort of surprised the Fox hasn't done this already.)

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If I recall correctly, this isn't so much that typing goo... into the address bar makes the top pick. I think he's saying google is automatically redirecting him to

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7 -- figured it out -- it is because I work for a Canajin company so the Google server thinks my request is coming from Canada, since that's what the company's routers are telling it.

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9, This is the same ESPN that thinks Joe "Everybody is an All-Pro" Theismann is the future of MNF. Total suckage.

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I didn't see much of a difference, tbh. Menu bar works the same way, a couple more columns on the new page, but they loaded in the same amount of time.

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And why can't TV news anchors just read the goddamn news like they used to?

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I'm not being sarcastic when I point to Pajamas Media. Say what you will about the content, the page design is simple, but I don't think that it's an improvement over (say)

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That 10th anniversary page, as a jaguars fan, probably hurts me as much as it hurts apostropher. So close.

You're not the one whose team's impeding doom is foretold, complete with derogatory nickname, on it. Perfect timing for this week, really. Brings back the memories.

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oh cmon. you can't really be all that pissed about the patsies getting some bad rep once in a while. the previous weekend, they couldn't even keep the power on in the stadium (if you recall, in the 1996 afc championship game, the power went out in old foxboro stadium for a good 15 minutes. most people say that was the turning point of the game).

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I'd be the last to deny that the Pats (ahem) have had a nice run these past few years, and we plan on keeping that going. But prior to that, "bad rep" was all we had. Losing in Superbowl XXXI was numbing, bringing back memories of '86, right down to the post-game team implosion. No one could know at the time that New England was closer to its first (of three, in case you didn't know) championships than it was to its last Superbowl defeat. Given last weekend, I'm not keen on revisiting those days, thanks.

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About the same number of people who want to hear Chris Berman intone "The New York Football Giants." Negative eleventy billion.

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it is because I work for a Canajin company so the Google server thinks my request is coming from Canada

Yeah; I used to get directed to all the time when I was using Tor (which randomly sends your traffic all over the place).

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As long as I have a fast enough connection, I don't care how much gunk they put on the home page. AC is right that it allows for easy access to coverage of more sports. Plus it can point to stories like this that I wouldn't otherwise have seen. It is a pretty usable web page.

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ESPN started off as the fan's fan's TV channel. When they started wearing $3,000 suits, they spent less time and energy doing what had gotten them to the top. And now, they just suck. There's no f'in sports reporting, just interviews with the latest media hound (ahem T.O. ahem). So how would I rebuild ESPN? I'd start at the anchor desk. Make it funny again. Cut out the old jokes, and start fresh. Booyah was funny the first couple of times, then it got more annoying each successive time. "But it's my THING!" Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Your thing sucks. Come up with a different thing. You got jacked up? Give me a break. Come up with something original!

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The "He's bringing ball how grandma's cookin' told him!" format to color commentary must. stop.

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Joe O, I blame you.

Also, ESPN needs to stop covering hockey.

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24: No. It needs to start covering hockey, and stop covering basketball.

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and stop covering basketball.

This is just insane. TD is clearly a Republican. Or worse.

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Or worse.

He's *gasp* Canadian!

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This is a Canada-friendly blog, mainly because a Canadian would never make such a proposal.

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Slightly OT: Last night at work at the library, a patron came in and mentioned that he'd like to find a book written by this guy he saw on ESPN. He couldn't remember the guy's name, though. I went to ESPN's page, which I definitely didn't like precisely bc it was like they just throw everything they've got at you, but couldn't find anything on this guy.

So, I'm asking for help here (I'm looking at you, apo): Anybody know anything about the following? A guy had broken all kinds of national high school running records, went to the Olympics (I think he won something), came home, got married, had kids, went out one day and never came back. Many years later someone spotted him in Hawaii. He says he'd been abused as a child, running was his outlet and he'd left his family bc he felt the need to start a new life, complete w/new name. And now he's written a book about his abuse and his running.

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I'm not republican. I'm not Canadian either. I love college basketball, but I think the NBA sucks. Sucks sucks sucks. I mean, Kevin Garnett turned down $112 million over 7 years because it wasn't enough money, and then accepted $120M? How much was the franchise worth at the time? I mean, HOLY SHIT. Playoff hockey is much better than playoff basketball (NBA), but both of their regular seasons are uninteresting.

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I'm not finding anything, Annie.

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Thanks, ogged. Hmmmph.

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Annie -- maybe the guy was unbalanced and was describing to you the character whom he imagined himself to be. Perhaps he was crying out for help.

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Hi Annie. Gerry Lindgren. He was a HS legend and did well afterwards, but not quite so well. While he was successful people would tactfully hint that he was a very odd fish, so when he snapped it shouldn't have been a surprise, but it was.

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Perhaps he was crying out for help.

Or perhaps not.

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Annie, I'm late, but here's the first hit on google:

For this search: "olympic runner abandoned family disappeared book"

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Gerry Lindgren

I'm not excessively interested in bestiality and the age of consent. It's just my benchmark. If something's less interesting than bestiality, it's boring. I suppose that it would leave a better impression if I used a different benchmark.

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too late but

This seems like it could be the guy. espn connection I doubt there is a book that tracks the espn story. Lingren wrote a book but he ignores the abandoning the family angle.

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Ah, good searching, cw.

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Gerry Lindgren, for example, is more interesting than bestiality.

My favorite running story is Filbert Bayi of Tanzania, who was a world-class runner within a year of the first time he wore track shoes. His Olympic race with John Walker of NZ would have been one of the greatest races of all time, but the African boycott ruined it.

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By the way, to prevent country redirects on the Google homepage, point your browser to

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Wow, that's great, folks. That guy does sound a little off. Hmm. Thanks for finding him!

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Annie, how common is it for people to come in to the library with requests like this? I've done it like once that I can remember (for a book that the librarian was not able to help me with but turned out to be The Evolution Man by Roy Lewis). Are you as I am assuming a reference librarian? It seems to me like there is the seed of a book here, or at least a sitcom.

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#30 gets it exactly wrong.

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how common is it for people to come in to the library with requests like this?

Extremely. Three tiers:

1. I heard about it from Oprah/NPR/Good Morning America (easy to find the book)

2. I heard about it on BigLocalTalkRadio station (usually can find the book)

3. I heard about it on an infomerical at 4 a.m. when I was up because I'm having stomach problems and can't sleep, and this woman who wrote the book had the most extraordinary life or waitaminute maybe it was on the cable access channel Ican'tremember but anyway she raised 11 kids on $8000 a year or maybe it was 8 kids on $11,000 a year and now they're all grown up and she wrote this book about sending them to college and I can't be sure because I looked away for a minute but I think the book had a blue cover. Or maybe blue lettering.

Oddly enough, you can usually find the book in #3 too, with enough detective work.

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#44 can suck it.

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45: That same kind of thing would happen when I worked at Barnes & Noble. We actually had it pretty easy, recent author appearances on all sorts of talk shows were listed in a database. It gets tricky when they don't remember where they saw it, though. Usually we could find what they were looking for, given enough time.

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#44 can suck it.

That's exactly what a Canadian would say!

I think we can reach a point of agreement here, though. The worst thing ESPN does these days is speed up highlights. Whose fucking idea was this? I watch highlights to see unbelievable athletes do unbelievable things, and speeding it up just distorts and destroys any sense of awe.

Why is there no good alternative to ESPN? Why is there such market failure?

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Agreed on the suckiness of ESPN, but I'm not willing to say "market failure" just yet, because I think ESPN's suckiness is pretty recent (a few years). But maybe we're in the minority. People must like the trash-talking sped-up highlights, or Steven A. Smith would never get on the air. I actually won't watch when he's on, and I don't even hate black people.

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and I don't even hate black people.

Yet another reset-effect, it seems. Sooner or later the changes will be so great that you'll have to rename the blog for the sake of "authenticity." Which, by then, you'll believe in.

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I was trying to agree with you, and you throw it back in my face? Mighty white of you Timbot.

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Mighty white of you Timbot.

I'll take that the only way you could possibly mean that, Shi'a - as a compliment. (And we're not the only ones upset with the new ESPN.)

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Who else is upset with it? I mean, other then the unfoggedariat?

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#43: Hey, Jeremy, sorry to take so long getting back to you, but I was at work. It was so busy I couldn't even check in on unfogged! Not a ref librarian, just a part-time 'Library Assistant'. We get a fair number of odd requests. I enjoy them.

Wrt a book/sitcom: I thought working at a tiny town library would be dull and uneventful, but some pretty weird stuff happens and some unusual characters come in.

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Who else is upset with it? I mean, other then the unfoggedariat?

Everyone I know over the age of 30.

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I couldn't resist appending this bit from the Sports Guy column. I think he gets it exactly right.

"Q: How long has it been since the two best players in college basketball were both white? I find it fascinating that no one in the media is willing to address this.

-- Fletcher Ray, Portland, Ore.

SG: Address it in what sense? That this is hardcore proof that we're headed toward the worst March Madness of all time?"(cite.)

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