Re: My First--HIC!--Post


hmmm < blockquote > maybe?

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#1 gets it exactly right.

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And then </blockquote> to close them.

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Thanks, guys.

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Whoops, cut that comment short. I meant to add that at Unfogged, special formatting doesn't carry over paragraph (<p>) breaks.

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1 actually has extra spaces in it.

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Does that go for main-page posters too? I thought that was just to control us riff-raff in the comments sect.

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special formatting doesn't carry over paragraph (

) breaks.

Blockquote does, though.

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7 to 5.

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I felt like the new girlfriend who takes up with Dad a year after Mom died and wears noxious perfume . . .

I feel like the salt-of-the-earth foster mother with a gold tooth and a warm heart . . .

How about the really hott stepmother who the teenage son wants to have sex with? Could you be that one?

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Other than providing invaluable context for your future post, is Hustle and Flow worth my time?

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I told you my method of curing hiccups: drinking water from the wrong side of the glass. You bend over and drink from the far side. I like this method because a) it's silly, and yet b) works. I think because it is so silly, it brings back fond memories of giggling while doing it or watching my mom do it as a kid.

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That would probably work- focusing on a diaphragm can be very distracting, depending on where it is at the time.

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8: Apparently <em> does as well.

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Wowie zowie -- the thing that happened to 'Postropher's comment 8 suggests that special formatting tags will remain active across an explicit <p> and are only deactivated at a carriage return. This seems pretty cool to me, don't know about y'all.

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ObOnTopicComment: Tia, thanks for that thing about the diaphragm -- now I know why when I tell loved ones with hiccoughs to "just hold your breath", it never seems to work for them. I was not adequately articulating what they need to do while they are holding their breaths.

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I've seen this spelling before but was always confused by it. Is it merely an alternate spelling, or is there a different pronunciation too?

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11: I really enjoyed it. My post is going to defend it from some unwarranted criticism. I can't promise you that you will though. Getting invaluable context for my future post should be motivation enough.

12: Actually, it is by drinking water from the far side of the glass that I cured my hiccups the time I got them during Communion, but that's one of those things that worked once for me but never did again.

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17 -- same pronunciation

18 -- did you try drinking wine from the wrong side of the glass? And/or accepting the wafer from the wrong appendage of the priest?

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19: There was a time when I accepted an appendage of the priest, but that didn't cure my hiccups.

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Ray Bradbury, "The Man", from The Illustrated Man.

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20: In fact, it gave me crabs.

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I can't believe how on topic this post is. It just so happens that I'm having the hiccups RIGHT NOW! And it has been going on for a while. Quite a nice start Tia.

Unfortunatly it didn't work for me at all. But still, impressive.

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How do you do block quotes?

Why do you want to prevent people from quoting you?

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Thanks, SB!

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I really wanted to stop them, so I held my breath, and concentrated really hard on my diaphragm.

If only there were a hiccup phrophylactic for men.

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10: Maybe. Who are you nominating for teenage son?

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I take it my answer to 11 is "no".

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I answered you in 18 if you would bother to rtft.

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actually, Drymala, it's spelled "Annoyed Grunt"

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No, no -- for you see, I meant it as, "Gee am i dum".

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Wow, who'da thunk the OED has a listing for D'oh! -- they spell it Doh, and define it as:

Expressing frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just said or done something foolish. Also (usu. mildly derogatory): implying that another person has said or done something foolish (cf. DUH int.).

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I was going by this, which mentions the OED listing...

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Who are you nominating for teenage son?

I believe you would get to choose. Rank has its privileges, after all.

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Hey, I never realized he was serious. Cool!

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Are we to compete for your affections, Tia? But don't you love all the repopulated earthlings equally?

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Ugh; Tia's link is somewhat NSFW, if only because reading the Sobchak comment slightly beneath it may cause you to vomit all over your boss.

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37 makes me consider that if you're all descended from me, this could get a little squicky.

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Or hott!

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Thought the title would mean that the post was Becks-style.

Joe D, how did your boss take it?

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She was sympathetic, after I showed her what prompted it.

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You guys are not going to believe this. I just got the hiccups. Let's see if it works.

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Tia, where do fish swim?

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In the water?

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Okay, it appears to have worked. It didn't on the first few trials, and I was nervous about reporting a failure, but by both holding my nose and pressing my hand into my diaphragm to tell it to be still, I stopped them.

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The trick with drinking from the opposite side of the glass upside-down is that you have to do it reeeeally slowly.

(In other words, it's a hack for focussing on your diaphragm.)

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My inner Beavis is clawing his way to the surface.

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(apo, see 26)

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to tell it to be still

"Be still, my beating diaphragm!"

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Does Beavis use the subjunctive?

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prophylactic. heh heh.

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Don't claw at my diaphragm, you'll tear the goddamn thing.

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48: Wow, that must be as hard for your inner Beavis as tearing Saran wrap!

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My inner Beavis is clawing his way to the surface.

In the movie version, the role of apostropher is played by John Hurt.

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54: True, he doesn't have claw very far.

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When I read "John Hurt", I first thought of this guy, and was confused. My pop culture knowledge is shamefully low.

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Matt F -- you are a man after my own heart. I spend a non-negligible portion of my free time proselytizing the beauty of John Hurt's music to people around me.

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Re: 57

If you know the greatness of Mississippi John Hurt, you have no cause to be ashamed of your cultural knowledge, pop or otherwise.

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I have a friend who, after seemingly every meal, will hiccup once or twice and then be done. I've always thought that he just has to hiccup once, but now I'm wondering if he doesn't have control over it, and just makes himself stop immediately.

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It is by Bradbury. It's called "The Man", and it appears in The Illustrated Man.

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