Re: Read Unfogged For All Your Reproductive Health News


To put this in perspective - according to my doctor the risk is still less than the risk of blood clots while pregnant.

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Really, I'm pretty sure that the best thing for any woman's health is just to be a lesbian.

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"may face double the risk of blood clots than women taking the pill"

That is one poorly structured comparative statement

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The risk of clots from BC pills is 3-5 cases per 10,000. The approximate risk for the patch, then, would be 6-10 per 10,000. That's still an awfully low AE rate. For any drug.

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re: 2

I think I read somewhere that regular pregnancy early in life has a preventative effect vis a vis certain cancers -- something about having 9 month time-outs from menstruation, etc.

It was a hypothesis connecting rising ages at which women first give birth and increasing rates of certain types of cancer. It may have been thoroughly debunked by now.


'Course, pregnancy is pretty damn dangerous so the chances of dying pregnant but cancer free will probably override the overall effect on mortality.

['course I know that lesbians have kids, but the whole having kids thing would sort of overrule the health benefits of lesbianism]

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