Re: Hugh Hewitt: I've got chutzpah!


Have you no shame, sir? Have you no shame?

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If you're seriously posing that question to HH, that probably belongs in the "most absurd" thread.

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In a way, I'm relieved that people like this have no shame. It means treating them with the appropriate contempt is easier.

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That's hilarious. And me, sitting here, working in a building cattycorner from the Empire State Building! You can't imagine the terror I am forced to feel every time I walk to work! It's just like having a blade at my neck every minute!

Oh, and don't forget to meet me for drinks at O'Reilly's tonight, one block north of the scary Empire State Building at 6:30!

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Well, I some Middle Eastern food last Sunday, and I didn't even have a food taster check it first. Where's my motherfucking Presidential Medal of Freedom?

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AWB and others: I am sorry I will not see you tonight and hope to do so in the future. But perhaps next time we should pick a location less vulnerable to terrorist attack?

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You know, we should actually figure out how people get nominated for a Presidential Medal of Freedom and then try to get one for HH for "his demonstrable bravery in working in New York City in a tall building."

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For real, ModKid, you can't come?

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F'realz. Sorry. But you said when you recommended O'Reilly's that you spend a lot of time there. So maybe I'll pop my head in some day -- I walk past it daily on my way home from work.

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Pretty revealing. And the same guys who are still peeing their pants in fear of terrorism are blithely unconcerned about all the other risks their Republican buddies are busily ignoring (e.g., climate change) that are a lot more likely to fuck with their lives than those scary, scary Muslims.

What a sorry excuse for a human being.

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Nobody wants to bomb my neighborhood. I feel neglected.

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You know, we should actually figure out how people get nominated for a Presidential Medal of Freedom and then try to get one for HH for "his demonstrable bravery in working in New York City in a tall building."

I hear he's in line for the Bronze Star, for extraordinary valor in the War on Christmas.

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I want to bomb your neighborhood. IYKWIM.

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Hey, I work in a landmark NYC skyscraper. Am I officially brave now?

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11 -- Not currently perhaps. But...

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But LB, you're female. You need officially brave guys like Hewitt to protect you.

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In this office? I'm screwed.

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Gotta find a more Republican firm, then. There must be one somewhere in NYC.

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That was where I worked last year. With Idealist, who has shiny things hanging on his office walls that certify him as at least militarily competent, if not brave. The rest of the firm? Not so much with the bravery.

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Just shatter my illusion about the valor of the NY bar, will you? Not that ours would be any better. It's almost as if large law firms lacked redeeming qualities (other than the whole paying-your-mortgage-and-your-kid's-tuition thing).

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On further consideration, delete "large" from that last sentence.

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12: Purple Heart. One of the Macy's elves beat him up.

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competent, if not brave

Gee, thanks.

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I was trying to allude to your goverment-issued shiny stuff without making the sort of claims about it that you have been at pains not to make yourself in person. If we were talking about my personal impression of your valor, that'd be different -- I mean, I don't know if you're as brave as the intrepid Ms Roofeh, but I'd put you out in front of anyone else at that firm.

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24 -- Indiscretion error?

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I don't think so -- Ideal, should I redact anything?

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More to the point, the Empire State Building is not in downtown Manhattan.

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You could, however, read him (charitably but inaccurately) as saying that he himself is comfortable, while those poor benighted souls downtown are not. Not that I would read him that way, or at all.

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