Re: The first time as farce, the second time as even funnier farce


The coup d'etat is complete. We don't know their names, so when their bodies are found we won't hear about it.

Unless Ogged is off with his hott cousin, happily married and constantly resetting his Tivo.

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ok, I break with hiatus to note that I used that post title. That is all. Bye for now.

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Yes ... and now it's been repeated ... it's kind of "meta" ...

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It's the eternal return of a moderately clever post title!

I'm aware that this hiatus kind of sucks, by the way-- no need to point it out.

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"My devotion is so strong that I will go to where you are."

Mmmmm, right.

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Dammit, I'm going to be there after that window.

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I'm up for whatever's going down.

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I'll be interested to see if Wolfson's resemblance to my ex-boyf Jesse Jackson is more than fleeting: count me in!

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I need to visit NYC this month anyhow, so why not? If I do I'll gain a knowledge of the Unfoggetariat rivaled only by Michael's.

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Are the 25th and the 2nd respectively of March and April?

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Yes, they are.

I'll be occupied Monday, btw.

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I'm booked up on the 31st, but it's with a fundraiser for Team Newyorkistan's Mongol Rally Entry which everyone reading this, regardless of whether I've ever heard of them, is cordially invited to. (Post going up later.)

Other than that, I'm up for meeting people.

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Apropos of nothing, I had a dream about LB last night, but I don't remember anything except that LB was in it.

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Hey you know what would be really ideal for me? Tuesday the 28th or Thursday the 30th. What do those days sound like for other people? Saturday the first would probably also be good, and has the special bonus of being April Fool's Day -- certainly an auspicious date for a Mineshaft meetup.

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I'll most likely attend.

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13: Huh. I actually had a dream about apostropher last night. We were both touring a high school, and it turned out he was the Director of Foreign Intelligence (probably not an actual job title) at the CIA.

And I'm booked up on the 30th, not the 31st -- the Thursday, whatever the date is.

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And I'm booked up on the 30th, not the 31st

Ok, I put Thursday in my list of ideal dates cause I thought you could do it not Friday. I am putting Tuesday forward as my favorite day to meet. Could probably do Friday but I would be enkidded and hence not able to hang around very long. (But I expect Sylvia would think it fun to meet you folks.)

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I'd like to come, but Tuesday or Thursday would be hard for me. I could not arrive until after 8:30 if it were one of those days.

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Tuesday's not great for me, but I could do it and not hang out too late. Thursdays are pretty good, Fridays slightly less so.

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There's a non-zero chance I might be in NY around that time, so maybe I could get to meet some of y'alls.

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Jeez I try to give you guys a rallying point and what do I get -- petty cavils. I can at least show my face almost any day of the ones BW will be in town. The only exception is the 26th, when I have a date to see "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day".

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I may, just possibly, be in town (well, Long Island) for work. Scheduling is less than definite. Barring work requirements (entertaining customers, etc.) getting in the way, and assuming scheduling works out, I'll definitely try to make it.

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Oh, by the way, I would have no problem with Wednesday.

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I was just up in New York today, sort of a spur-of the moment trip. As long as there's no traffic, it's a surprisingly painless drive. If it was on a Saturday, I could make it.

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I think we're going to need an arbitrator here.

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Then look within: the arbitrators are the trees in us.

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Loggers are arbitrators.

The Lorax is an arbiloyalist.

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Roast beef is an arbisandwich.

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The Lorax is an arbiloyalist.


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One of the better Islay malts.

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So they say.

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When arbitrage is left unchecked, it often creates arbitragedy.

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why doesn't anyone ever propose these things to be in Singapore, huh?

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Go for it.

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One of these years, a meet-up should be scheduled to occur at this festival.

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I'm free during the week. I was thinking of a trip to Philly on the 25-26 but could postpone it with notice. I was probably going to D.C. the weekend of April 1-2 but that could also be moved (although with a bit more difficulty) if necessary.

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The 25th I'm at Threepenny Opera. Thursday night is date night. Rest of the week is open.

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36: Hello, nice people! This is Rex Maynard, of Maynard's of Belton!

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I just made a little table which indicates to me that Nobody has expressed any problem with Wednesday the 29th. Is that accurate or am I missing something in my review of the thread? Here is what I have: (question marks indicate "Could maybe make it but would have issues")

Date Who

S 25 AWB Becks?

S 26 Becks? MK

M 27 BW

T 28 JM? Tia?

W 29

T 30 AWB Tia? LB

F 31 MK?

S 1 Becks?

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Whoops, I'm also out of town the 24th through 26th, and I have limited availability the next weekend. Pretty much, weeknights other than that Thursday are about it for me.

(Given that Wolfson is the one who started this all, he's in charge of actually picking an evening.)

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Very snazzy. Wednesdays are great for me. Shall we try to get dinner somewhere?

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What we really need is an over/under line on how many of these meetups can take place before someone is murdered or maimed at or after the event. Maybe teased by whether or not B-Wo is attending (as I assume he is the one most likely to get murdered or maimed) or Emerson is attending (he's killed before).

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Tease on whether I can make it too (can't make this one).

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What if we met at New Green Bo on Wednesday night for dinner, followed by Chinatown Ice Cream where we can ascertain once and for all whether Almond Cookie is better than Pumpkin (assuming they have Pumpkin, it might be seasonal) and then progress up Mulberry St. to a bar?

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Alternately, Old Town Bar and Grill was a good meeting place last time.

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Wednesday's great for me too. Nothing available for me on either weekend, though.

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Wednesday's good. I'll get someone to tape my man Taylor. ;-)

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44: Fair point. Weiner is pretty likely to kill as well; if John David Stutts taught us nothing else, he taught us that it's always the quiet ones who snap.

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That may be the first time I've ever been described as "quiet."

I plead this: If you ever do run into me IRL, and I'm saying, "That's not my name, my name is Sarah," please try to use non-deadly force in subduing me till the men in white coats come.

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44: thank god.

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The top post on my blog may be of interest...

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The 25th is bad for me, since I'll still be in California.

Wednesday, however, is good.

Wednesday it is!

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Wednesday it is!

A venue must then be chosen. I suggested 2 in 45-46 -- anyone else want to nominate or dispute?

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Wednesday sounds good, although I'm sorry that probably rules out a drop-in by Armsmasher and Matt F.

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I've never been to either place, but they sound fine.

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I won't be there, though I sometimes track people to their homes and get them there.

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As far as venues, while the traveling thing described in 45 sounds like fun, I think sticking with one location would be much simpler. Latecomers would know where everyone was and it would be easier on the wallet as well.

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In that case, I like the idea of a restaurant/bar. I spend most of my life at O'Reilly's Irish Pub on 35th b/w 5th and 6th, and it's nice that way. (Plus, every fourth pint is free!) Haven't been to Old Town, but I assume that's similar.

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O'Reilly's is easy for me to get to. Never been there but it sounds fine to me. Yes, I imagine it's pretty similar to Old Town.

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hows about chicago this time? come on, bw. I'll take you to the original pancake house the morning after, if you play your cards right.

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Oh, the Original Pancake House. I didn't eat there enough when I was in Chicago.

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Hey! We had one of those in Toledo. I didn't realize that was a chain. Very yummy.

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I believe the one in Toledo is the Derivative Pancake House.

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I remember it being quite integral.

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I was going to make a joke about that, honest, involving traveling salesmen and path integrals.

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LizardBreath: wouldn't it be more that Chicago forms a fundamental domain? Differentiability is more about the local smoothness (of the pancake batter, natch)

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You know what kind of syrup they use at the Derivative Pancake House?

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Wait for it....

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(but at the Integral Pancake House they always use whole wheat flour)

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66 - I'm sure yours would have put mine to shame.

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Maybe if I had actually come up with a formulation of it.

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Natural-Log Cabin?

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Dammit, I can't get an integral sign to show up right. In any case:

[Integral sign] 1/cabin dcabin.

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Or what Becks said.

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OMG, I was totally kidding. If I had known that was actually your punchline, I wouldn't have gone for it.

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I'd had been on the bring of suggesting a satellite location in Chicago for those who couldn't go to New York, Kosko lives here right?, but this future domain business is better.

Wolfson is probably thinking of the Original House of Pancakes in Harper Square. Many's the Sunday I've spent about forty-five minutes waiting for a table there. Originally a branch of Walker Brothers, they are now independent but serving the same stuff. My family gets it's fix--just last week--at the Walker Bros on the Evanston/Willmette line.

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While my actual geek credentials (like, you know, knowing much of anything technical) are weak, I bow to none in my command of lame-ass geek humor.

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Damn, LB, you really are throwing down the gauntlet today. I award the Lame-Ass Geek Humor crown to soubrziquet, because I didn't even understand 67.

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I'm a little punchy today -- I have some stressful stuff going on and it's making me babble.

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Mostly I want to see a Lame-Ass Geek Humor throwdown. I'm surprised Ben bowed out so quickly.

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LB: you're going to force me to do this, aren't you? Damn the ghods of procrastination for making me add what is probably an in-joke to an out-crowd. Or the other way round. That is to say, it commutes, as it where.

What sort of jam do they use there, then?

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[Integral sign] 1/anberry danberry?

But that's too easy -- there must be a better answer.

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But what are the odds of them serving a chi square latte?

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Actually, I was thinking about both that OHP, and the one in the north loop.

Integral sign: ∫ spelled "∫".

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LB: albelian grape, of course.

also the answer to `what's purple, and commutes'. hence the meta previous comment.

sigh, if i have to explain this i'll have hoplessly outed myself as, erm, something-or-other.

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Hrmpf. How come the site I use as a cheat sheet didn't list that?

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88: Oh, I remember that one now.

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LB: they get worse.......but also more obscure

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What's sour and equivalent to the axiom of choice?

What does a mathematician do when he or she is constipated?

What's the difference between the first and last rows of a viola section?

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oh, and too my eternal shame, I typo-ed `abelian'.

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Also "too".

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If the answer to the second of the riddles in 92 is "Works it out with a pencil", I quit.

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I'm sad to see you go, LB.

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ben a1: zorns lemon.

we risk a descent into truly bad humour, here :)

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Ben, did you ever eat at the Valois? See your food? I avoided it for years, I guess on some sort of vague notion, and at the very end of my long stay down there, found it was pretty good.

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Only once. It wasn't bad at all.

My dad used to live right around the corner from it on 53rd, and says he used to eat there pretty frequently.

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Long years ago when I was a U of C student I ate at Valois a lot. The price was right.

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Shall we put together a little email group on the topic of convening? I'm at istherenosininitatgmaildotcom.

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I was going to say that that probably won't be necessary, but then I have a poor history with these things.

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Truly bad humor has been descended into in the past.

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The Axiom of Choice is obviously true, the well-ordering principle obviously false, and who can tell about Zorn's lemma?

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re: 34

Or Oxford/London?

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I assume this is utterly unworkable, since Ben noted his unavailability on Monday, but Monday the 27th is the next time the biweekly trivia that I go to is taking place, and I feel like the crowd here would both enjoy it and make a pretty good team. I think my regular team would be ok with me taking a day off, if, contrary to the first clause of my first sentence, this could be done.

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C'mon, admit it: you're just hoping that LB will win for your team. Or that Apostropher will manage to show up with the internet in his back pocket. What's the prize for winning? If it's good, like enough champagne to get the team drunk, I could get behind a movement to draft LB and show up myself.

Mr Wolfson, if you're reading this, you should probably post updates about the state of negotiations on the frontpage.

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Ms. Mormon, I thought it was more or less settled on Wednesday at the place noted?

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Yes, Mr Wolfson, but my point was that you should put that info on the frontpage so that everything was clear and decided.

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I refuse to dignify the aspersions as to my motives with a response, though you can rest assured that I have one. If I were to give one, it might be that my team has won fairly recently, and probably would have won yesterday in the counterfactual world where our team music geek wasn't on vacation.

First prize is $200, more info here.

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