Re: This is Tia from Unfogged Security. WMYBSALB?


wow. just when I begin to think these assclowns can no longer surprise me....

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One of the things that's always struck me about these stories (because there's one for almost every major right-wing media personality) is just how damned odd these guys are. Every single time, whether it's Limbaugh getting booed when guest hosting Wheel of Fortune and walking off in a snit, or O'Reilly every time ever, it's this bizarre refusal to interact with other human beings from people who spend every waking moment shouting how much more connected they are to what Americans think.

(To some extent, the thin-skinned stuff from Limbaugh and the other Radio jocks never shocked me that much. Radio's a much more one-sided medium than most shows let on- most DJs will rarely take calls live. Nowadays, it's possible to even do on-the fly cutting up of calls to control how much air time you use. More common for music stations, where you'll be taking a call over the first few seconds of a song and need to make it end right on time, but I've no doubt the same techniques are used in talk radio, "live" or not.)

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Wait 'til "Tony" tries this stunt on a resident of North Carolina, where even the liberals own guns.

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Yeah, this NC resident would be reduced to tears, but they would be tears of laughter.

"Fox Security, huh? Yeah, whatcha gonna do, big guy?"

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This reminds me of the "Phone Cops" episode from WKRP in Cincinnati. Except, wouldn't a network security guard be even less threatening than a mall security guard?

"If you try mentioning Olbermann's name on our network again, so help me God, we will call you back again. Don't think we won't."

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It's like they are all engaged in some kind of competition to see who can come across as the weakest, most puffed up, least badass, arsewipe of all...

It'd funny if it wasn't for the fact that fuckwits like these are behind just about every nasty, violent right-wing populist movement... ever.

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Oh, come on; violent right-wing populist movements never hurt anyone.

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No man who speaks German can be bad!

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Wait 'til "Tony" tries this on a resident of South Carolina, where even the liberal children have guns.

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I changed my mind. Tony isn't an underemployed actor; he's an intern.

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OT, but I remember being an intern and having access to some of Hen/ry Kissen/ger's official stationery. That was fun.

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did you save any?

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I didn't, but a friend still has some.

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I once hid a REDACTED in the wall of REDACTED. I wonder if it's still there, or for that matter, if anyone will ever find it.

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I found it.

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I ate it.

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Goodness, Tia. I hope you used a condiment.

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only after I found it.

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This was your doing, Standpipe?

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We mostly sent notes on it to our friends, rather than people who would report back to him, but it was great. We had a long running series about his attempts to find accommodation for his "assistants," Birget and Stacey, a pair of dancers he met in Las Vegas, who were working with him on his Russian energy consulting project.

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17: Of course I did! I'm not one of those prom dress girls.

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I hope you saved those, and someday they get "discovered" in furtherance of a new, tell-all biography. The stationary could have been very helpful if you had trouble with a landlord, or the government of a third world country.

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This was your doing, Standpipe?

Oh, gross. No. Official mystery-preserving answer: Maybe. But no.

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I don't know what "WMYBSALB" is and I believe you made it up.

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I hate admitting this because it makes it look like I care enough to want to know but don't know enough that I should care, but if you google WMYBSALB it becomes pretty clear that it's "Why must you be such a little bitch." Thus far, its use seems to be limited to Unfogged. Thus far.

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I both use and mention: WMYBSALB?

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I maintain that this is not full Weiner-pwnage, since I supplied the link.

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We're all frenemies here, I hope?

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We're all frenemies here

Or frenula.

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But Toads! 'Round the 'Shaft, we all WFYIA.

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(Not work-safe.)

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I give myself a 10 for concept, 4 for execution. Meh.

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Pray, SB, what is NSFW about the Soesman Language Training advertisement? It seems fairly middle-of-the-road to this viewer.

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That salacious rhythm! It's worse than "Bolero".

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That ad shares the troubling feature with this and ads for HDTV, that in order to truly grasp the reasons it proffers for the advertisandum, one must already be in possession of it or its effect. So it is self-defeating.

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antecedent of "it or its effect" = advertisandum, not advertisement (advertisans?)

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First use of the acronymized form. The first lament about its use is further downthread.

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