Re: Uncomfortable


The WaPo article indicates that he had a blog. A braver, better man than I. Really sad.

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Take care of yourself, Tia. Mourn personally as appropriate, but don't let your public role as super-blogger or as politically involved citizen dictate any part of your emotional reactions, if you can. Again, I'm so sorry.

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Ack, I meant with the above, basically, that there should be a space for mourning outside of politics. We're all political here, largely, but even losses caused by political problems require some space. Argh, okay, I'll stop digging.

Were I Apostropher, I would've had a funny link here about titties. Helas.

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Ack, I meant with the above, basically, that there should be a space for mourning outside of politics. We're all political here, largely, but even losses caused by political problems require some space.

Were I Apostropher, I would've had a funny link here about titties. Helas.

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Oh noes! The dreaded double post! I ban myself with the thousand lashes of misgiving and second-guessing!

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